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Enhancing Early Learning: Engaging Nursery Rhyme Activities for Home

Engaging Nursery Rhyme Activities Blog FD 1 | Enhancing Early Learning: Engaging Nursery Rhyme Activities for Home

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Are – do you remember signing this memorable rhyme excitedly as a child while gazing at the tiny star in the night sky? Those moments of singing, dancing and clapping to nursery rhymes are magical memories that stay with us all our lives. These delightful nursery […]

Preschool Diwali Celebrations: Little Hands, Big Festivities

1200x650 Diwali Blog 1 | Preschool Diwali Celebrations: Little Hands, Big Festivities

Diwali is the vibrant and joyous celebration of light triumphing over darkness. This festival of light is when families come together in celebration, illuminating their homes with twinkling diyas and colorful rangolis while distributing delightful sweets to family and friends. Diwali celebrations in preschools are all about introducing children to the values and traditions of […]

The Impact of Preschool Teachers on Social Skill Development in Young Learners


In the formative years of childhood, preschool teachers are the first educators and know that their role is far larger than just imparting academic knowledge. As with teachers, parents are increasingly recognizing the importance of early education during the formative years. While a decade ago, formal learning typically began around ages 7-8 with Grade 1, […]

Toddler Care during Monsoons

Monsoon Toddler Care: Essential Tips for Safe and Happy Kids

If there is a season that invokes polar feelings in people – It is the monsoons. Some absolutely love it – the Pluviophiles, while many others find rains depressing. Rains do mark the end of torturous heat but they bring along different kinds of challenges for everyone.   Parents of toddlers are eager to enjoy […]

What’s right for a Toddlers Diet

Teacher feeding toddler nutritious meal at preschool

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But here we are in mega cities and as parents constantly  struggling how even in nuclear setups, we do right by our child. Feeding a toddler while ensuring  he gets all the right nutrition is easier said than done. They are always on the move […]

Mom – The original teacher, The eternal guide

Mom the original teacher the eternal guide | Mom - The original teacher, The eternal guide

Mother’s Day takes on a new significance once you become a mother yourself. Reflecting on your own journey of motherhood, you are amazed by how much you have grown and learned, while also being filled with deep admiration for your own mother – your first and most enduring teacher!   Bond before birth The role […]

Parents as Collaborators: The Way Ahead!


More than anyone else, parents know their children best and for that reason, parents’ involvement is considered a crucial aspect of their children’s ongoing learning and developmental activities. Early childhood learning provides kids with the necessary foundation to ensure lifelong learning success. Studies have proved that the more parents are involved in their children’s learning […]

Shaping Childhoods by Enabling Collaboration and Expanding Imagination

foundree school shaping childhood

In the story of life, it’s the beginning years of a child’s life that set the tone for overall physical, social and cognitive development. Early childhood is a great opportunity to shape the trajectory of a child’s holistic development and thus, lay a strong foundation for their future. Education that is imparted in the early […]

Daycare Advantages: Nurturing Your Child’s Growth

Best Daycare in Mumbai, India

In today’s fast-paced world, juggling multiple responsibilities is rather daunting for parents. And the biggest challenge for them is finding reliable childcare. This is where daycare centres come into play, offering a multitude of advantages that contribute significantly to a child’s growth and development.   The Importance of Daycare Daycare provides children with a structured […]

Categorized as daycare

Guiding You Through the Enriching Journey: Your Child’s Daycare Admission Essentials

Essential Daycare Admission Guide

The daycare choice marks the beginning of early childhood education and your child’s first steps into establishing long-term relationships with valuable caretakers. A good daycare can offer a wholesome and exciting environment helping your child grow. So, here are Your Child’s Daycare Admission Essentials- A guide to help you sail through this critical process. Your […]

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