
Welcome to Foundree Preschool & Daycare

Us and our beliefs

A paradigm shift in the world calls for a paradigm shift in the way we impart education – one of Foundree’s core beliefs. Building a happy childhood  is an essential part of our culture at Foundree. We work towards carefully recognizing the little one’s interests and abilities and giving them complete freedom to fly in our limitless spaces. Because the idea is to never hold them back or restrict them, but to always encourage them to explore and discover. Making sure that our children live their childhoods to the fullest and love them too.

We focus on developing 4 important C’s: Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication using the most fun and comfortable techniques that provide your little one a wholesome learning experience and a happy childhood they’ll cherish for life.

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Building the foundation of a happy childhood

  • Skill-based Curriculum
  • Personalised Learning
  • Imaginative Environment

Integrated Program (1.5 – 6 years)

Best of both worlds!

Integrated Program is exactly what the name stands for: a holistic approach combining the best of both worlds: pre-school and day care. It allows independent and unstructured playtime to encourage your tiny tots to express themselves without any inhibitions. It promotes self-discovery of their strength through our skill-based syllabus and activities like Foundation Science, Indoor and Outdoor Playtime, Nap time, and Meal breaks. Our half-day and full-day integrated programs (8am-8pm) give the little ones the freedom to explore, learn and have fun in their own unique ways. Using the wings of their curiosity and imagination, Foundree allows them to truly live their childhoods in the purest way – the way it’s meant to be.

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Preschool Programs (1-6 years)

Strengthening the base!

From the time your little angels start holding things as toddlers to when they begin narrating stories in Jr.KG (K1) and Sr.KG (K2), our aim is to enrich this journey by refining each of their motor, communication, analytical, and creative skills with our foundational skill-based classes and classrooms. The whole preschool is their playground. And that’s how we’ve designed real-life skill-based education through play. An approach that empowers them to express themselves better, easily understand concepts, and learn human virtues like empathy and compassion, integrated with the 4 Cs – as a part of the experiential preschool journey designed for their joyful childhood.

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Day care (15 months - 6 years)

A comfort just like home!

We know what’s it like to be a working parent and being a part of your little one’s growing up journey simultaneously. So Foundree day care is that second home your little munchkin will love to be at and live a childhood filled with love and happiness. They’ll learn through our foundational skill-based environment, get some sound sleep, and play around in their free time. With certified caretakers, dedicated diaper stations, nutritionist prepared meals, and highest hygiene standards, we ensure round-the-clock care and security for your little angel. With our day care app, you can also track your baby’s progress, know what they’re up to at any given point of time and witness their precious childhood moments anytime, anywhere.

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Our Locations

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Sneak Peek

A glimpse of what your little one’s happy and fun childhood would look like at Foundree. Foundational skill-based classrooms, interior and exterior play area, and a lot more to fall in love with.

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Parent's love letters

Admission Enquiry