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Fun Summer Activities for Kids

6 Fun Summer Activities for Toddlers

Summer is here and it’s time to keep our little ones entertained! Toddlers are full of energy and curiosity, and they love to explore their surroundings. It’s important to keep them engaged in fun activities that not only entertain them but also promote their physical and mental development. Here are six fun summer activities for toddlers that will help them stay active and learn new things.

Water Play

Water play is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day, and it’s perfect for toddlers who love to splash and explore. You can set up a kiddie pool in your backyard or take your little one to the local splash pad. You can also set up a DIY water table with buckets, cups, and sponges for your toddler to play with. Toddlers love to pour water and watch it trickle down, and this is one of the fun summer activities for kids that promotes their cognitive development and physical strength.

Outdoor Art

Toddlers love to get creative, and outdoor art is a fun way to let their imaginations run wild. You can set up an outdoor painting station with washable paint and paper. You can also make a sensory art station with items such as leaves, flowers, and sticks. This is one of the summer activities for toddlers that promotes their fine motor skills and encourages creativity and self-expression.

Nature Walks

Nature walks are a great way to teach toddlers about the environment and encourage them to appreciate nature. You can take your little one on a walk in your local park or plan a kids summer vacation amidst nature and point out different trees, plants, and animals. You can also make a nature scavenger hunt and have your toddler search for different items such as rocks, leaves, and pine cones. This activity promotes their gross motor skills and encourages curiosity and learning.


Picnics are a fun way to enjoy the outdoors with your toddler, and they can be done anywhere from your backyard to a local park. You can pack a simple lunch and a few toys, and your little one will have a blast exploring and playing in the sunshine. This activity promotes socialization and encourages healthy eating habits.

Bubble Play

Toddlers love bubbles, and bubble play is a simple activity that can provide hours of entertainment. You can buy a bubble wand or make your own with pipe cleaners and dish soap. You can also make a DIY bubble solution with water and dish soap. This is one of the summer activities for kids that can greatly help in improving hand-eye coordination while they enjoy playing outdoors.

Sensory Bins

Sensory bins are a fun way to engage your toddler’s senses and promote learning. You can make a sensory bin with items such as rice, beans, or water beads and include different toys and tools for your toddler to explore. Try this activity and you will be happy to see the cognitive development in your child while you encourage exploration and discovery.

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your toddler, and these six activities are sure to keep them entertained and engaged. Remember to always supervise your little one and use caution when engaging in outdoor activities. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the sunshine!