foundree school shaping childhood

Shaping Childhoods by Enabling Collaboration and Expanding Imagination

In the story of life, it’s the beginning years of a child’s life that set the tone for overall physical, social and cognitive development. Early childhood is a great opportunity to shape the trajectory of a child’s holistic development and thus, lay a strong foundation for their future. Education that is imparted in the early years has a significant impact on shaping the kid into a promising individual. The first five years of life is the time when a child starts to develop skills quickly, and thus, is the most critical stage of development and learning. During this time, apart from the physical and emotional growth, the child also learns to communicate, socialize and think logically. It is also crucial for them to develop their gross and fine motor skills during this phase. Keeping this in mind, Foundree Preschool and Daycare has developed a curriculum that allows children to embrace their creativity and imagination while also investing in developing crucial learning and life skills. This article will further discuss the influence of Foundree preschool and daycare in the growth of development of young minds. 


  How Learning at Foundree Helps Children Learn at an Accelerated Pace


Children often need encouragement and scaffolding to develop particular skills. Their interests and skills have to be recognised at a young age. Foundree Preschool and Daycare understands that their hobbies and skills have to be nurtured from the early years so that they get better with time. They should be given a proper platform to shine as individuals. That is why at Foundree, we give students the opportunity to embrace their creativity and back their talents by providing a proper amount of encouragement . This way, they will learn to recognise their individuality. And evidently, that has enabled many students to confidently demonstrate their talent. Many children from as early as pre-K grades weave beautiful stories from their imagination and share them with their friends. Preschool is the place where the child gets introduced to the outside world. To enhance their learning experiences, Foundree aids students to socialise and collaborate through fun activities. We teach them to share, resolve conflicts and work together. Some time ago, in celebration of Bird Week, all of our K1 students together built bird homes using paper and twigs. Such a simple activity encompassed skills like creativity, imagination, critical thinking and logical thinking about a context to design the best home for birds.


Along with embracing creative and collaborative learning, it is also significant to equip children with critical knowledge and skill set base which they can use throughout their academic careers. In our curriculum, grades are the least important thing. We understand that when the focus is on grades, there’s very little emphasis on learning. Every student is a unique individual and we believe in the development of an education system that prioritizes natural and personalised learning. Through this type of learning, every child can nurture unique skills without having to feel the burden of achieving specific grades. They can master different skills at their own pace and then move to the next level of learning. That’s the reason why our students are capable of excelling in areas where their interests lie.  Most of our K2 students possess the numeracy skills of grade 3 students as assessed by the NCERT benchmark. They confidently demonstrate an understanding of fractions, place value and number problem-solving. In linguistic skills, they also are able to identify key ideas of a story and effectively communicate their understanding of the narrative.


The Foundree Influence 


From the above examples, it is evident that the Foundree children are way ahead of their peers at other schools regarding learning abilities and skills development. Foundree’s emphasis is on providing contextual and hands-on learning experiences so that the children can make the best use of their childhood years to explore, observe and experiment. Our curriculum caters to the individual needs of each student, thus, providing them a safe environment to grow as confident, collaborative and critical thinkers in this fast-paced world. 

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